1743 9th Line Carleton Place,O.N.
K7C-3P2 Phone:613.257.2186
Fax: 613.257.5415
email to: sales@mikesmarine.ca
We are pleased to offer industry leading, Sunchaser pontoons. A member of the Smoker/Starcraft family. Offering models for small lakes or serious horsepower, each with a passion and design that is never compromised. You can view our in-stock models below, or please contact sales@mikesmarine.ca for any customer orders.
Sunchaser pontoons are under the Smoker/Starcraft umbrella of products, one of the oldest and most well established brands in boating today. These Indiana made pontoons are very versatile and are available in a huge variety of floorplans. Sunchaser puts a big effort into style and comfort. Offering many premium upgrades to turn your boat in to a first class crusier. Even with today's exchange rate, these American made boats are still an excellent value. The company makes beautiful, safe, capable pontoons while keeping in mind we aren't all millionaires. Come take a look at our instock models. Or veiw all of their available models at www.sunchaserboats.com